Mini Class 5: Hello 2017!!

Be Inspired

Happy New Year! First of all, I am happy and excited for 2017. I could start the year off with something I love to do the most: Scrapbooking. 🙂 The collection for this Month is something new for me and I could not love these little bears more. I created two calendars for you (Landscape and Portrait orientations – download 5) and also this bonus Screen Saver (download 4). In the video above, I show you how to make it your computer desktop.

The technique we are exploring this month is working with Soft Gel Medium and Stencils. It’s simple and easy and super minimalistic and I hope you play along with me and get the creative mojo going for the new year. I had a bit of a struggle in making the pages just because I have not really scrapbooked in a while. It was a lot of fun to work with these cute bears. I am sure they come alive when we sleep and swap headgear.


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