May Flowers: A lesson in grace

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This is a special little lesson – a glimpse – into my year-long workshop called Art to Heart. I created these lovely illustrations and wanted to make them available for everyone and thought that I would publish the May Lesson of the Art2Heart workshop in it’s entirety. This workshop really has my heart. It’s been a journey for me to dive deeper into the faith that sustains me and feeling it with my art has been such a joy. Cultivating inner peace is not something that happens over night. It takes time and contemplation and gratitude and love. I hope you find this little lesson of value… more than artistically… but he-artfully. Thank you for buying my products! In this mini-workshop you will find the following:

  1. All the Illustrations etc will be under Lesson Downloads in the Inspirational lesson.
  2. Under the layout lesson you will find the 4 process videos.

Please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions in the lessons!

Much love


*use the coupon art2heartgrace to buy the complete Art to Heart Workshop for $80.*


May Flower Inspiration: Grace

Length: 17 minutes

  *use the coupon art2heartgrace to buy the complete Art to Heart Workshop for . MAY is here! This month our theme is GRACE. I am a little frustrated in the sense that I know in my heart of heart that I have not scratched the surface of Grace. I think it will be a lifelong pursuit to fully…