Art Journaling: Starting Points

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Hello and welcome to my first Art Journaling Workshop. This class has been in the making, in my mind and heart, for a long time. I am always busy with all sorts of things, so a month ago I decided that if I wait for favourable circumstances, this is never going to happen. So I started, and once I started I could not stop.

First of all, I want to apologize for the numbering of the pages. There are 12 pages but the numbers go 0-11.  If you are a little OCD then this might irritate you. Just like me, you have to let it go. LOL. The thing is, I had 3 pages that I thought of using. Three videos all done. Then I started the workshop pages at number 4 and when I was done, the first 3 pages did not fit into the whole of what I was doing. I made another 4 pages starting at 0. Oh to be honest, it’s just so very annoying… Hopefully I have learned my lesson. The reason I number the pages is to simplify the video editing process. Believe me when I say that working on 4 pages at once can lead to some major video editing frustration. The numbers helped so much.

Since I started Art Journaling a year or so ago, it has changed my perspective in so many ways on the process of making art. It’s intuitive, frustrating, agitating, and exquisite, all at the same time. And just like yoga, Art Journaling’s magic lies not in the perfection but in the practice… the process. Join me on this wonderful journey in making 12 Art Journal pages where I will show you three easy starting points. Three techniques that will make the paper less intimidating. It’s all about play. Art Journaling is meditation, so this mindfulness brings much joy. Join me in this workshop that is all about the process. Twelve pages, 15 videos and some beautiful Illustrations.

Enjoy the process. I know I did. Even if not one person buys this workshop, the journey was so valuable to me I can’t even begin to express it. I will talk you through every page and play some music here and there. The videos are not very long. I try to keep them to about 12 minutes.

Have fun!

Much love,


P.S.… please ask questions and leave me comments.



Art Journal Index5

Art Journal Index4B



My thoughts about Journaling

Length: 8 minutes

Why is Journaling so important? First of all, I think some kind of magic happens when we combine the two parts. Art + Journaling = Magic. I really believe it. In fact, I know this for sure. The art part of it is about honing your techniques and practicing your intuitive skill. It’s almost the…

Starting Points 1: Washes

Length: 46 minutes

  In this workshop, we will use one technique to start working on the intimidating white page. These techniques can be used as starting points for a painting, as well as a scrapbook layout. The reason I feel so strongly about starting points is because I know from experience how much a white page or…

Starting Points 2: Ink Pads

Length: 62 minutes

  There are few things lovely enough to paint with than an ink pad. It’s a simple and quick starting point and the best part is that it dries very quickly. I love that some mixed medias resist the ink a bit, creating beautiful textures and markings. One thing about Art Journaling is that the…

Starting Points 3: Patterned Paper

Length: 58 minutes

A very cool and easy Art Journaling technique is to add mod podge patterned paper to your journal and use it as a starting point. Another joy of Art Journaling is that you never know how and where it will take you. I know for sure that if I created the exact same page an…