16 Ways to Show LOVE

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Welcome to the LOVE workshop! I had an amazing time creating the content for this workshop and when I am in the zone, nothing else gets done. But it’s so worth it. I am deeply grateful to you for signing up for the class. THANK YOU. Thank you for the love and support you have given to me. I am energized and deeply blessed by your kindness towards me. It’s becuase of you that I can be creative and make beautiful things.

While I was working on this workshop, I was amazed and surprised by every layout and I keep thinking that this is by far the most beautiful workshop I have ever created. I was happy about this but also a little depressed thinking that I will not be able to beat it… ever. LOL. I guess it’s time to take a bit of a break now and hopefully I will come up with something even better in the future. I know for sure that magic happens when you do the work. I think this workshop is special because I have been investing in this creative life for the last decade.

What’s in the class? Let me put it to you in bullet points 🙂

  • 6 Chapters
  • 9 Product folders filled with lovely printables and cut files.
  • More than 3 hours of Scrapbooking Process video
  • All things product related is in the Products lesson: The downloads, a Print and Cut tutorial and a few other things that I thought will help you.


Workshop INDEX:

The Products: with some tutorials and all the downloads.

Lesson 1: Working with Tags

Lesson 2: Playing with Stripes

Lesson 3: Adding Text

Lesson 4: Square off!

Lesson 5: Designing with vertical embellishments

Lesson6: Lots and lots of hearts


Here’s a summary of all the layouts we will be making in the workshop:

16 ways previewA

Have fun! JOIN and Share your layouts on the FACEBOOK PAGE or on Instagram with the #16waystoshowlove and tag me: @wilnafurstenberg

Love you lots and lots



Everything Product Related

Length: 15 minutes

Hello! This is the place to find all the products! You can see a preview of each products here corresponding with the numbers down below under Lesson Media. Every products is in it’s own folder with a little preview and if there’s a cut file involved it will also have an SVG and DFX file. If you have any troubles downloading the products, please have a look at the little video above that I stole …

Lesson 1: Working with Tags

Length: 42 minutes

In the first lesson we will be designing with tags. I was amazed at how many tags I discovered in my stash once I started looking for them! Tags are totally awesome: As a design element on a layout as well as on it’s own as something to attach as a gift. I absolutely love tags. For this workshop I decided to make a whole lesson just with tags and what I love about using it as a design element is that it makes the designing easier. It takes the guess work…

Lesson 2: Playing with Stripes

Length: 28 minutes

I love stripes and Paper strips. I think becuase I don’t use patterned paper so much I love to use it in this way. This is by far one of my favorite ways to use patterned paper. I also love the ombre effect that Gelatos create. Another one of my favorite techniques to use and one that have used over and over. On this layout, I add another “layer” on top of the gelatos in the form of polka dots. The other way of using stripes…

Lesson 3: Adding Text

Length: 40 minutes

So, if you have followed me a bit in my scrapbooking endeavours you would know that text or type is always a favorite technique for me. I love using the texture of type and since I was in High School, I love type. I would sit and practice letters from a font book (remember those?) for hours and hours. So, For the three layouts here I those 3 different ways to use text: one by painting it on the back ground and then stencilling it and lastly …

Lesson 4: Square off!

Length: 31 minutes

Ahhh… squares. It makes my left brain so happy. I love the artistic part of scrapbooking but I think one of the reason I love the hobby so much is the balance of design. I did a whole workshop about this called ART AND DESIGN and in this workshop I explore it in depth. But working with contained areas like squares is magical to me. I can almost hear my brain humming a song of thanks. LOL. It’s all in the balance of creating as…

Lesson 5: Designing with vertical embellishments

Length: 15 minutes

Working with Vertical embellishment clusters is a favorite technique of mine. I think we are so focused on the horizontal lines that we often forget about the vertical ones. For this class I designed some specific vertical bouquets and I love using them on my layouts. There are more layouts in this workshop that could have fallen in this chapter too. I hope you try this technique with me. Another tip…

Lesson 6: Lots and lots of hearts

Length: 24 minutes

I have been in love with hearts for the longest time. I have so many layouts over the years where I am just playing with lots and lots of hearts. I had a look at my layouts over the years and wanted to do something with lots of hearts but it had to be a bit new and fresh for me. Working with black watercolor was a risk but it looked beautiful in the end. I love that layout so much. Also, playing with acrylic paint …