Mini Class 2: Soul Food

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This month is all about going deep: Be Soul Food, not eye candy! I read this post on Pinterest and loved it! The technique we will be doing is masking with masking fluid and then painting over it with watercolors. I have taught this technique before in one of my ArtClasses but I love doing it with new experience and looking for news ways to make this technique fit my current style. I must say, I am so happy I chose to focus on a different technique each month!

In the HELLO video, I have some fun things to share. I talk about the pages and about Masking Fluid and some tips and tricks with it (!!)  I am done with next month’s products as well… it’s a continuation of the fall theme and I can’t wait to start creating with it. I am working ahead to give me time to focus on Christmas! (YAY!)





Masking Fluid & Watercolors

Length: 52 minutes

  A Prayer This is one of my favorite pages of this month. I love the simple design! You might want to practice a bit with the masking fluid and remember that sometimes even the disasters work out! The prayer I wrote here for Tia is Ehp 1: 15-19 That’s why, when I heard of the…