HBD Jaansie. 2023

Happy Birthday, Jaansie!! 22 today!
Dear Jana, first of all, I love you more and most. So much. I admire your heart and the capacity you have for grace and love. You feel so deeply. You are protective, fierce, and strong but at the same time funny, vulnerable and caring. I love how you are growing into your skin. I love and admire the way you love.
Today I bless you! God loved me so well when he gifted you to me today, 22 years ago. He knew that my heart could only be complete with you in it.
Thank you, God, for being a Father to Jana. Thank you for blessing her today with your favour. Thank You that You earnestly wait, expecting, looking, and longing to be gracious to her. God stills the storm for her, calms the waves, and hushes the hurricane winds to only a whisper for her. Your heart is for Jana. Who can stand against her?
Love you, baby. You are my joy. Happy birthday!!