Favourite Books of 2022

Something to read. 2022 Favorite books.
Every year for Christmas, I get my girls 4 things: something to read, something to eat, something to play with, and something you need. So, keeping this little tradition, here are my favorites for 2022 for something to read.
According to my Goodreads app, I read 161 books so far this year. Here are my top 9 favorites that made me laugh, made me cry, and caused me to stay up waaaay too late (just one more chapter)… those stories that give you all the feels, surprise you, and make the pages turn themselves.
Also to note: all the books by Sarah Lyons Fleming were such a treasure to find on audible (narrated by Julia Whelan ). You know when you love a series so much and it ends (
) and you just can’t find that high again? Yeah. That.